Tanya’s palace
-Saturday- Breakfast at Tanya’s consisting of whole wheat pancakes
w/ blueberrys, fresh fruit, sausage, and eggs. Snacks during the day.
Dinner was eating out for some. Those who stayed in the cave were
privy to pizza hut ordered for us by the early departers. Sunday,
more of the same breakfast from yesterday only this time there were
Strawberrys rather than blue
first person in CS: 10:30 am
last person out: 12:30 am — 14 hour trip
survey stats: 108.4’, 15 shots, avg length: 7.2’
survey stats: 824.9’, 48 shots, avg length: 17.2’
cave length: 2086’
cave stats: 3019.3’, 216 shots, avg length: 14’
Duguid who has been on all the CS surveys has been polishing up his
map of Rowland Creek cave in Smyth Co., and at 3172’ surveyed, his
project is about to be surpassed in length!

survey summary:
survey consisted of Dave Duguid, Martin Groenewegen, Lisa Lorenzin,
and Mike Broome. They entered the cave after the K survey to prevent
a bottle neck at the crawlway to heaven. There primary goal was to
work a couple digs and if time permitted, survey another lead we knew
went. The first, and most exciting dig had great air last time, so
Dave was hungry to enter it. We’d recruited Lisa specifically to
ensure we could pass the constriction. Fortunately, the dig was much
easier than expected. It only required moving a rock on the floor and
everyone could get through. Unfortunately, it rapidly ended in a
breakdown pile, so it was just sketched, and not surveyed. The second
dig was in soft dirt that Martin went to town on, but it quickly
ended in a small formation choke.

attacking the digs they went to survey a lead from two trips ago
which knowing how it begun, was expected to be a challenge. In 15
shots, they surveyed 108.4ft, averaging 7.2 ft per shot. Yuck. At
least they got most everything done out there. There is a low wet
stream lead back there, but it sounds grim if even doable. Based on
Dave’s description on that part of the cave I’m considering all
leads out there as checked.

the survey Mike and Lisa headed out of the cave. They were clear
before entering the cave that they wanted to leave early, and they
had achieved all the objectives they were given. Unfortunatly, they
missed out on seeing the more exciting part of CS where the K survey
team was making the cave grow.

survey summary:
survey was the first team to enter the cave. The team consisted of
myself, Matthew Lubin, and Robbie Spiegel. Matthew was new to
surveying, but after taking a few stations to figure out how
everything worked, his skills improved. After setting a more
permanent station at the traverse,  started surveying in the
pencil room. The room was so named when on the last trip Brian
declared it so, sacrificing a pencil for use as the survey station
there. The passage along the K survey continued nearly directly
westward the entire time. It took us a while, but after a couple
hours of survey time we arrived in the larger room Dave and Brian had
scooped into last time. We’re dubbing this room the Milk Jug room
based for the old 1Gal milk jug lodged in the rocks in the center of
the room.

entering the room, we surveyed a left had passage with a ~15’
flowstone fall. I climbed to the top, rigged a piece of webbing, and
had the others climb up, following after me. The floor everywhere was
pretty fragile, and Robbie begged off taking back sights at the last
station for fear he’d damage things too much. The first section of
the room had a number of dry rimstone pools. Half of the room had a
black possibly manganese floor which recorded just about every boot
print placed on it. The back section of the room had a short
flowstone column coming from a hole in the ceiling. The calcite on it
was white, as was the floor around it. We took 3 survey shots up
there confirmed things went no further, then carefully exited pulling
the webbing with us.

in the Milk Jug room we surveyed towards a wet, decorated lead that
we concluded was only worth pushing if someone was ready to get very
wet. Then we ducked down and continued in the remaining lead which
looked like the main passage. We surveyed a few shots down this way
before we heard Dave calling out for us. He’d come with Martin to
see how we were doing. Matthew was ready to leave, so he headed out
with Martin, and Dave stayed with us to survey for a few more hours.
The second shot taken with Dave was 46’ long. Yeh-haw! The passage
here was pretty straight forward and easy to survey. There were a
couple side shots, but generally everything continued west. We ended
in a couple rooms, larger than anything found earlier in the cave.
There we left 3 good leads. One is a pit/downclimb section that
sounds wet, a high tunnel above this lower lead that to me looks like
a mine tunnel, and lead that is back to hands and knees and looks
like the primary continuation. Exciting stuff for another day.

enough, soon after Dave found us the cave started to feel like
Hancock cave. Even if the caves do not connect, it seems like we’re
at least in the same rock unit now. Having walked the surface between
the caves, the valley between them seems unlikely to be crossed, but
If the cave continues west for a few more trips, a Hancock connection
may begin to be less of a joke. The cave grew by a lot this trip. A
big thanks to everyone who has helped survey this cave so far. At
3000+ feet, it feels like a real cave now. 

More pics from the weekend are found here.

A video to give a vague size of the final room is here.

Robbie pondering his existence while posing for the classic entrance shot.
A bit greener than on past trips.

A bit of flowstone in the large room at the end of the known cave.

We entered the cave around 10:30am Saturday 21 April. So much for leaving Tanya’s by 8am. There were eight on this trip. Myself, Dave Ticehurst, Ava Pope, and Brian Williams comprised survey group G while Dave Duguid, Jacob Jackson, Martin Groenewegen, and Ken Walsh comprised survey group H. There was an 80% chance of rain going into the weekend, but the sky was beautiful, warm and sunny when we entered. Regardless, the chance of rain would haunt me all day as this cave begins at an insurgance and has flooding potential.

 My team was the first to enter while survey group H did a little surface walk to try avoiding a total traffic jam in the entrance crawl. Either we goofed off to much at the entrance, or the others following were too impatient, but they caught up to us around the awkward 30 degree sloping crawlway to heaven. The crawl for myself was made more awkward then normal because beyond my normal survey gear I was hauling my vertical gear and 150′ of 11mm rope by my ankle up that crawl. Next time I haul anything through that crawl I plan to wear a harness to allow me to drag my pack by hips. My gear dragging leg was a bit worn out after the crawl haul.

At the F10 junction room the teams parted ways and we began surveying to the fabled “vertical” section. The first shot out of that room was an awkward 10′ shot at minus 33 degrees into a squeeze. Not an easy shot for Dave’s first, and Ava’s second survey trips. They did a good job though and improved as we got deeper into the cave. When we came to the vertical section, Dave D. had suggested we turn around, and go to one of our other leads, but Brian didn’t hesitate to cross the traverse. Part of the goal for this trip was to acess the quality of the old bolts and install new ones if necessary. When Brian crossed, he used the old rope already in place while I used a munter hitch to belay him across. When he determined the bolts were safe, we tied the new rope off at both ends to provide redundancy to the questionable original rope. After setting the rigging, Brian helped both Dave and Ava construct makeshift harnesses and cowstails so we could cross the ~18′ pit. Dave, Ava and I continued surveying in our first walking passage of the day while Brian dropped the pit to see where it went. The other side of the traverse was worth the gear haul. Our first walking survey passage of the day, some nice formations, and an excellend lead can be found on the other side of this traverse.

We exited around 10:45pm. The other team had apparently left a couple hours earlier, leaving us a note in the junction room. By leaving early, they dined on Mexican food, while we were stuck with Sonic. Brian drove home that night and hopefully got some much needed rest. We stayed up rather late inputting data so we could talk stats and gawk over how much the cave grew. Thanks to everyone who joined this trip. Dave and I will let everyone know our plans as soon as we select a date for the next trip. Perhaps then we will have the fabled three survey teams we’ve been dreaming of.

           Total           Included          Excluded
Survey     Length Shots      Length  Shots     Length Shots  Ave.Len.
    G    421.5 ft    27    421.5 ft    27      0.0 ft     0  15.6 ft
    H    372.8 ft    32    372.8 ft    32      0.0 ft     0  11.7 ft

Number Of Files=        1      Station Aliases=        0
Number Of Surveys=      8      Number Of Stations=   153
Included Shots=       153      Excluded Shots=         0
Ignored Shots=          0      Number Of Loops=        1
Absolute Stations=      0      Purged Stations=        0
Included Length=         2086.0 Feet       635.8 Meters   0.40 Miles
Excluded Length=            0.0 Feet         0.0 Meters
Total Surveyed=          2086.0 Feet       635.8 Meters   0.40 Miles
Horizontal Length=       1981.9 Feet       604.1 Meters   0.38 Miles
Horizontal Excluded=        0.0 Feet         0.0 Meters
Cave Depth=               101.2 Feet        30.8 Meters

Pictures taken by Brian Williams with a simple point and shoot camera:

Sinkhole entrance w/ cow skull
Very small bat jaw in a dry pool. Notice the dime for scale.
Ava looked happier than the rest of us in all of Brian’s pictures.
Can you tell us anything about this troglodyte? A Cold Sink original perhaps?
The traverse
Rimstones are delicious!

We grabbed another 452 feet of cave surveying last weekend. It was cold outside, but awesome inside (if you have a stomach for tight places)! I can’t stop thinking about this cave, it’s driving me crazy. We have three good leads right now that need to be surveyed, and a fourth crawl way that needs to be cleaned up. One of the leads has a set of bolts and an old rope rigged, as a traverse across and a visible 15’+ deep pit we couldn’t see the bottom of, so vertical gear will be brought on our next survey. If you are not vertical, that is okay as the other leads are horizontal. As stated previously, the cave does require some low belly crawling, but nothing extremely tight. Ken was concerned he might not fit before we started the trip, but he had no problems. Our next survey date is currently undecided, but it will be in April although I’m not sure I can wait that long. If you’re interested in joining us please don’t hesitate to talk to me about participating. There will be an email on the mailing list and a date will be posted on the Google calendar when we make a decision. If you don’t want to survey, but have an interest in digging, there is also an interesting digging option in a section of the cave we opened up on our trip last November.
Tanya’s house was awesome. She was a very gracious host, but don’t leave your sleeping bag out on the floor while you go caving. Bad things will happen. I learned this the hard way.

Weather: Cold, snowy – expecting this Dave and I both drove our 4wd vehiclesData Recorded in Marion:Saturday – High 33 Low 12, wind gusts up to 40mph, snow fall up to three inches. Brrrrrr!
Sunday – High 27 Low 11, less windy, and sunny so it felt much nicer. Most snow gone.

Here’s some data and pics for your enjoyment:

The shell pics were taken by Martin Groenewegen and the pics outside the cave were taken by Matthew Weiss. These ceiling fossils are densely clustered in this layer and continue in the walls and ceiling off in an un-surveyed direction.

DATA SUMMARY for : 11Feb2012
Number Of Surveys= 2
Number Of Stations= 44
Included Shots= 43
Total Surveyed= 451.8 Feet 137.7 Meters 0.09 Miles
DATA SUMMARY for : All Survey Dates in ColdSink
Number Of Surveys= 6
Number Of Stations= 95
Included Shots= 94
Total Surveyed= 1291.6 Feet 393.7 Meters 0.24 Miles
========On this trip were myself, Ken W., Dave D., Ava P., Tanya M., Martin G., and Matthew W. Sunday myself, Ken, Dave, Ava, and Tanya did an easy trip and surveyed Dillman cave netting something around 160′. Martin and Matthew left for home that morning. Ken will be doing the cartography. After finishing in Dillman Cave, we did a quick fun trip across the valley to Dillman Saltpeter Cave. Dave Dugid recently finished the map for that cave, so before visiting either cave the map was delivered to the landowner.