Caving Education

This is a work in progress, and nothing is set in stone. Leave a comment with information that is missing so we can add it for everyone to use!

Caving Checklists – What to bring in what caves
Caving Culture and History – How did we get to where we are?
Caving Rules and Safety
A list of former grottos of TriTrog members
Caving Glossary UK – Currently a European resource, so some terms may be different.
Caving Biology Section
Caving Conservancy
How caves are created
Closed Caves in the Virginia (VAR) region
The Rich Valley Topographical map, prepared by Ken Walsh

Science in caving – Speleo-sciences and their importance
Types of Caving
Types of Caves
White Nose Syndrome (WNS) Protocol and Education

Knots and Rope Education
Horizontal and vertical caving
Advanced Techniques – Cave Rescue and Cave Diving
Techniques – Surveying

Archive – Website Archive Link
Archive – Secretaries Blog

Cave Conservancies


  1. Good start. Seems like you could fill in a lot of this material via links. Most of this has been written in multiple sites, Save your efforts for items unique to this club.

  2. Hey folx,

    I hope everyone likes the new changes, let me know if there’s any suggestions or things to add here!

    This page is far from finished, and we could really use your help to save us time. Please leave resources below to add or amend the above information!

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