General Meeting Minutes from August 22, 2023


In person: Ken, Peter, Emily, Mike B., Zeke, Mark, Vinnie, Melanie, Nick, Christian, Diana, Stephan, Taylor O.
Via Zoom: April, Taylor T., Maria, Dmitri, Mike Y., Matt J., Lacey, Justine, Lisa, Martin


  • Pay your 2023 dues if you have not already done so. Dues pay for food and campground fees for the annual grotto trip and for new lights and helmets that the grotto loans out.
  • Check your inbox for an email from Peter about BugFest, an exciting opportunity to volunteer at the museum that offers us free meeting space each month.

Upcoming Events

  • Sept. 16 – BugFest at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences (Volunteer!)
  • Sept. 23-24 – caving presentation to Boy Scouts
  • Oct. 27-29 – Orientation to Cave Rescue (Morgantown, WV)
  • Various dates – Rescue Training Level 2 (Blacksburg, VA) Level 1 is full and is a pre-requisite.

Upcoming Trips

  • Aug. 31-Sept. 4 – Old Timers’ Reunion (Dailey, WV) You must be a TRA member or a guest to attend.
  • Aug. 31-Sept. 5 – Cave Fest (Sewanee, TN)
  • Sept. 15-17 – ACC Open House at Perkins Cave
  • Oct. 5-8 – TAG Fall Cave-in (Menlo, GA)
  • Oct. 20-22 – Fall VAR (Antietam, MD)
  • Nov. ? – Hancock Cave (Smyth County, VA)

Trip Reports

  • Sully (absent) went to Memorial Day Cave.
  • Zeke and Family visited Lost World Caverns. Albeit a show cave, the tour is self-guided. His daughter’s first cave trip featured sightings of a salamander and a tree frog.


Mood Lighting: How Simple Post-Processing Improves Cave Snapshots
With photo comparisons, Ken demonstrated that adjustments to cropping, saturation, tint, highlights, shadows, and temperature could drastically or subtly improve the look of an image.