In attendance (in person or online): Ken, Stephan, Zeke, Emily, Mark, Matthew W., Carlin, Taylor O., Lisa, Peter, Robert, Piotr, Maria, Lee O., Mike, April
- It’s time to pay your yearly dues again! Dues are a mere $15 per person or $22 per family (people living under the same roof). Pay in person by throwing your money at an officer or pay online via PayPal. Membership benefits include access to maps and publications from our library. Dues pay for loaner gear upkeep and camping fees for our annual summer grotto trip.
- See the minutes from the recent officers meeting.
- The 2022 grotto officers made donations to the Richmond Area Speleological Society ($100) and to the NSS Nature Preserve Fund ($100).
- Stephan may ask for meeting program presenters. Help him out by committing to a date.
- Thanks to Peter, Mark, Ken, and Emily who assisted with the Mines of Moria at the Museum’s “Social in the Shire” event. Look for additional opportunities to volunteer later this year.
Cave News
- The owner of Worley’s Cave in Tennessee passed away. Before visiting, please check the access status.
- WVCC acquired the original Boarhole entrance to the 10-mile Boarhole-Portal Cave System in Greenbrier County.
- Before visiting New River Cave, please notify the cave preserve manager (currently Travis Coad) at NewRiverPreserve[at] with the date and number of people in your party.
Trip Reports
- April, Ashwin, Emily, Ken, and Peter went to Low Moor Cave. Peter would go back. The vastness of the mine impressed him, especially when viewed from the cave through a series of high windows. They found a couple cave rat nests and even a sociable cave rat. The trip lasted about 5.5 hours.
- Mark, Matthew W., Piotr, and Brian stopped for a quick trip to Lynx Cave on their way to Paxton’s. Their mission, as always, was to find Paxton’s elusive Christmas Room. Piotr agreed that the maze section was very mazy.
- Lisa and Mike have been training for their serious Mexico cave trip by caving and camping in Butler Cave where they’ve also been getting in lots of rope practice. Sleeping in the cave wasn’t comfy but they did not die. They’ll return to help with the resurvey.
- Carlin took two little caver offspring underground while visiting the Bat Ranch. They survived and had fun.
Upcoming Events
- New owner of Little Hancock Cave wants to visit Hancock Cave
- MAR 18 – survey trip to Perkins
- APR 22 – Earth Day Restoration (sinkholes) near Covington, VA
- APR 21-23 – Orientation to Cave Rescue in Elkins, WV (FULL)
- MAY 12-20 – weeklong rescue training in Mentone, AL
- MAY 19-21 – Spring VAR weekend near Franklin, WV
- JUN 26-30 – NSS Convention in Elkins, WV
Underground in Middle-earth by Emily Graham