General Meeting Minutes from May 23, 2023


In attendance: Ken, Emily, Taylor O., Tom, Philip, Mike B., Lisa, Mark, Peter, Zeke, Stephan, Matt W., Ashwin, Martin, Lee


  • Zeke will host our June meeting (not at the museum) (possibly at Raleigh Brewing Company).
  • Is there interest in a TriTrog Discord channel? Lisa says Discord is friendlier than Slack and she’s willing to help set it up. If anyone thinks another option like WhatsApp (messaging app) would be better, we can look at that, too.

Trip Reports

Oh no! None since last month’s meeting!

Upcoming Trips

  • May 26-29 – Paxton’s
  • June 26-30 – NSS Convention
  • Pre-convention and post-convention field trips
  • TBD (July?) – Hancock Cave (Mark)
  • June/July – Scott Hollow Cave (Matthew W and Mark D)
  • Aug 25-27 – Annual Grotto Trip


Proyecto Espeleológico Sistema Huautla: Exploration with Lisa and Mike