In attendance: Zeke (Dead Air), Emily (Lowmoor), Michael (Boone’s Cave), Erin (Enchanted Caverns), Peter (El Sapillo “the brush”), Louis (Worley’s), Stephan (Devil’s Ear), Ken (Death Pit), Mariana (Golondrinas), Robert (Clover Hollow)
The Name That Room challenge. Louis and Ken were in cahoots. Oh! I’ve got dibs on ‘Cahoots’.
- Dues reminder
- Holiday party! December 10 chez Carlin and Laurel.
- Donation to RASS and … officers to convene
Trip Reports
Emily, Ken, and Vardell surveyed 468 ft or so in Perkins Cave. The mice would have been cute if they hadn’t started following us around in gangs. Ken posted a trip report.
Erin and Michael recently went to Boone’s Cave near Lexington. They also did some urban tunneling near DC, which doesn’t even involve digging.
Upcoming Things
- December 10 – Holiday party in Durham
- January 24 – grotto elections
- April 21-23 – OCR in Elkins, WV
- May 12-20 – Weeklong NCRC training in Mentone, AL
- June 26-30 – NSS Convention in Elkins, WV