Mayan 22, 2012
General socializing 7:30- 42
Attendees: Carlin K, Ken W, Mark D, Martin G, Mark L, Mike B, Lisa L, Bryce S, Peter H, Steve S
Old Business– none
New Business–
Grotto trip and convention
Rob bringing mom to grotto trip
Matt Lubin hosting in Chapel Hill for June mtg. Informal meeting only!. June 26
Grotto trip July 15. Camping at $19 per site w2 tents/8 ppl per site At least 19 going. Mike B will help with head count since Ken is out most of June. Group breakfast Saturday and dinner Saturday. All food otherwise is on your own.
Get gear from Mike if you need to borrow grotto gear.
Trip Reports-
Spring VAR Peter went alone, ~300 ppl there, commercial livestock farm, on top of karst, went to Norman cave, @20 miles away, good leader, in at 10 am, 20 mile system w Bone cave. Booming waterfall, 20 ft falls, walk in water most way, calf to waist deep, small falls/rapids. Did not get to Great White Way, went to caramel room with large flowstone formation
Group varied in fitness , WV room near entrance was nice- formations broken, some by breakdown, recent earthquake likely. Out around 4 pm. About 10 ppl on the trip
Mike and Lisa went to all you can eat pancakes and caving in March- digging, leads, looking for new cave, Owl cave, Teedle dum dig. Rube Goldberg 3 tiered haul system with track, zip line, raises 60 ft, moves dirt and rock rapidly, got 6 ft further but no breakthroughs, can see intersection beyond hole, but later trip still did not open up. Lots of air flowing. Good home brew beers! Pancake weekend at Butler Cave Conservation Society (BCCS) next weekend another work weekend (Mem day)
Martin went to dig, about 700 lbs of rock at Grand Caverns. Damage found to some formations? Buckeye is closed
Upcoming trips-
Cold sink June 8-10, near Marion Va. Pushing leads, survey
Pre-convention June 22-24. Five camps with trips on the website- sign up there. $20 to WVACS to go Convention. Campground opens Sunday night at state fairgrounds, may be able to set up on sat
VPI. Catawba murder hole.
Convention June 25-29. Tanya’s talk is on Monday
6 or more signed up from Tritrogs
Post convention Catawba murder hole
Karst hydrology
June 30-July 1 BCCS expedition weekend
Peter wants to a practice vertical at his house before convention!!
Grotto trip July 13-15. 4 hr drive fr here, 1 hr from campground to cave + 20 min walk
Ice cream nearby!!
Cleanup Aug 11. Copenhavers cave, 1500 ft, wet, zen garden room is interesting climb. Will get muddy.
Puzzle on grotto timeline- The whole group collaborated to solve clues to put tales and pictures in chronological order. An excellent glimpse at our history as a Grotto as well as a fun and intriguing logic puzzle. The grand prize shared by all was to extremely tasty Escazu chocolate bars!
We then adjourned to a familiar Mexican Bar for tasty Armadillo tacos for dessert.