8-28-12, 7:30 pm
Attendance 9 Troglodytes:
Diana G, Carlin K, Ken W, Mark D, Mike B, Ava P, Peter H, Matthew Weiss, Martin Groenwegen, Mike Grauer
Introductions included the Month of each persons birthday which was used later to divide up into teams for the program.
Old business- Pay dues to Ken tonight. All the shirts from convention are now gone.
Library now has convention guide book including cd with maps. Diana has old NSS journals if anyone wants them.
New business Bugfest Sept 15volunteer w Peter!! At museum here. Separate e-mail was sent.
Help w display, greeting visitors etc
Things to look for in photographs and how to pick the best photo to present or share
We did the program first so that Ken could process the results during trip reports.
See handout from Ken for tips:
Under/ over exposed, have something interesting in each 3rd of the photo, etc
The program involved several stations which each had about 4 pictures of the same spot in some cave. The teams of about 3 participants each ranked the photos for best to show. Some seemed obvious but some were open to a fair amount of debate
Trip reportsMike B above ground at Whitesides did single rope technique practice, climbing and rappelling
In fog for part of it. 700 ft cliff in w. NC. Just above GA border. nice pics shown
Ava told about white limestone cliffs in France, sea caves 10 or 15 little caves only went in 100 ft or less. Few good pictures and her professor didn’t want to cave
Carlin and Ava reported on Copenhavers Cave. Good fun pictures, cleanup, cave on farm w lots of metal, barb wire etc. cable ladder for waterfall, entrance is. Much nicer now, hauled buckets of trash up the waterfall. 2.5 pickup loads hauled to dump, time to explore cave after clean up done
Visited Worleys Cave (VA) next day good pics of monorail worm, bristle tails, salamanders,
Cleaned up 4 leads and explored 2 other. Super man squeeze with one arm up and one down. Solid rock tube. Lots of passage after tight crawl needs survey!
Program part 2Discussed pictures we all agreed on and why
And more discussion on those w less consensus
Upcoming trips— see grotto calendar on the website https://www.tritrogs.org/trip_schedule_new.html
Labor day OTR (Old Timers Reunion)
Rob and Peter going? Worthwhile but far away.
Fall VAR (Virginia Area Regional) in Rock Ridge County Va, near Lexington VA.
Sept 21 – at least 4 Tritrogs are going
Perkins cave tour on a separate trip that weekend in sw VA- 28 miles of cave
Oct 4 tag cave in regional 9 hr drive. Carlin going. In GA near AL- lots of vertical caving
Worleys survey some time in fall
Oct 13 or 20th cold sink ?
Photography trip? interest expressed in doing another trip to phocus on fotography skills soon.
Due to a somewhat shorter meeting with lighter attendance and the format of the program we did not take mid meeting break but afterwards several went to Armadillo Grill.